We want to create spaces that are authentic and safe for those who are curious about Jesus, those who want to follow Jesus more faithfully, and those who simply need a space to be loved and to belong no matter who they are or what they believe about Jesus.
We believe hope can transform people and communities and we believe hope can be found in Christ. He has loved us from the beginning, stepped into human history to be with us and be like us, and his death and resurrection is a mystery that frees us to begin to live and keep living as we were designed (in healthy relationship with God, ourselves, and others). So we try to cultivate that kind of hope right where we are- the kind that loves others, believes in others, and invites others to experience Christ for themselves.
We believe that because of Christ, the Kingdom of God is not a future event, or not just a future event. We believe the Kingdom of God has already come and as followers of Christ we can experience the fullness of God right now. So we strive to make spaces where anyone can show up as they are, be curious and ask questions, make authentic connections with others, and grow in our knowledge and understanding of who Christ is. Anyone who wants to is welcome to come on this journey with us.
Our hope in Christ and our citizenship in the Kingdom of God compels us to love and care for all that God has created from creation itself to those on other continents to our own local communities right down to our neighbors, co-workers, families, and even our enemies. This is why we look for opportunities to live out our faith in tangible acts of kindness.