
Acts 1-2


Before we get too far through Acts we see the proof that God is all in on us right in the second chapter.  Chapter has echoes of the past, pointing all the way back to Genesis 1.   Whatever God is up to and whatever the church is supposed to be, God is all in on it and us!


Acts follows the birth and growth of the early church.  It’s a story the story of how God used ordinary followers of Jesus, empowered by the Spirit, to make His message and mission clear and available to all. 

But it’s not just a historical fact, or a story to read, and then put back on the shelf.  It’s a story we are invited to enter into and be a part of as the church today!

So how did the church get started and what was their purpose?  What were they called to and what did it look like?  And how might we continue that same story today?  Where, what, and to who is God calling us today?